1. 1. Articles should be about topics related to educational sciences in general and to the teaching-learning processes of modern languages in particular. In addition to teaching and learning, articles may also address topics in the fields of applied linguistics, social and cultural studies, literary criticism, general linguistics, discourse analysis, translations, and intercultural communication. Articles can be written in Spanish, English, French or Italian.
  2. 2. A letter must accompany submissions where the author(s) ask for consideration of their article proposal by the Editorial Board of and by the evaluators appointed by it. They also must confirm that their proposal has not previously been published, either whole or partially by any other means, and has not been submitted to other national or foreign journals at the same time. Proposals should be sent via email to Prof. Anderzon Medina Roa to: o

  3. 3. Two (2) independent professionals in the field will anonymously review all articles submitted for publication, taking into account their originality and scientific value. The Director-Editor will transmit reviewer’s decisions, suggestions and recommendations to authors.
  4. 4. Authors should present their submission electronically using the computer word processing program Microsoft Office Word, paper size US letter, double spacing and font Arial, size 12, with 3 cm margins on left and bottom sides and 2 cm margins on top and right sides. Proposals should have an extension from a minimum of ten (10) to a maximum of twenty-five (25) pages.
  5. 5. Authors should send the article they are submitting, including tables and graphs. In a separate document authors should send the following information:

    a)Title of the article;
    b)Full names of author(s);
    c)Name of the institution to which they belong;
    d)Title/Academic degree;
    e)Post/Position held in institution;
    f)Phone and fax numbers;
    g)e-mail addresses, and
    h)ORCID number.

    This information should not appear in the main file, which the reviewers use for blind peer assessment.
  6. 6. All submissions must include an abstract in Spanish and another in the language the article has been written in, including its title. In case the article is written in Spanish, there should be an abstract in English as well. Both abstracts should not be longer than one page (US Letter size). It must also include a minimum of five to a maximum of seven key words as descriptors.
  7. 7. The reference list must be included at the end of the article in alphabetical and chronological order with only those sources cited in the article. For reference style guidelines follow the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, latest edition. References must include author, year of publication (in parenthesis), title of the work (in italics) followed by publication information (city and publisher) in references to books. Example:

    Glesne, C. (2011). Becoming qualitative researchers: An introduction. NY: Pearson Education Inc.
  8. 8. For edited books, the reference must be specified as in the following example:

    Goodman, Y., y Short, K. (1996). Heightening political awareness and action: Liberating our teaching. En K. Whitmore y Y. Goodman (Eds.), Whole Language voices in teacher education (pp. 319-329). York, ME: Stenhouse Publishers.
  9. 9. For journal articles, the reference must be specified as follows:

    Plata, J. (2016). Language switching: Exploring writers’ perceptions on the use of their L1s in the L2 writing process. Revista Internacional de Lenguas Extranjeras, 5, 47-77.
  10. 10. Regarding electronic references, many recent articles will have a DOI in the database record. Use the DOI in your list of references. For articles without a DOI, look for a “persistent < url> link” for your article and cite it as “Retrieved from <url>”. To reference electronic articles without a DOI or persistent link; give the <url> for the article, journal, or database. Include the date retrieved only if the article is likely to change, such as articles “in press” or preprints. For example:

    Medina, A. (2017). Pasión y sentido en tiempos de cambio: The Way We Live Now como una propuesta de sociedad moderna en Inglaterra a finales del siglo XIX. Perífrasis, 9(17), 27-44. DOI:
  11. 11. The citation of sources within the text should be specified as follows: (Pérez, 2015). When quotation marks are used, page number must be added: ((Pérez, 2015, p. 76) or (Pérez, 2015, p. 76-77) if more than one page.
  12. 12. Secondary citations. Sometimes, it is considered necessary to expose the idea of an author, reviewed in another work different from the original on which it was published. For example, an idea from Watson (1940) read in a publication of Lazarus (1982):

    The classical conditioning has many practical applications (Watson, 1940, cited in Lazarus, 1982)...
    You can also do it this way: Watson (cited in Lazarus, 1982) argues the versatility of applications of classical conditioning. In the references, you only add the entry corresponding to the original source consulted.
  13. 13. Author’s notes should be scarce and brief, and must be numbered and included at the end of the article, before the reference list.
  14. 14. Figures and tables should be presented and numbered in the order they appear in the text.
  15. 15. The title of the article should be in lower case, excepting the first letter of the first word, e.g. Moving toward legitimate peripheral participation. Subtitles in the text must also follow this format, e.g. 1. Introduction, 2. Theoretical framework, 3. Methodology, 4. Results, 5. Conclusions and recommendations. References. Annexes or Appendixes must come after the Reference list.
  16. 16. Authors will indicate, in a note inserted at the end of the article, if this is the partial or whole result of a research financed by the Consejo de Desarrollo Cienti´fico, Humani´stico, Tecnolo´gico y de las Artes of the University of Los Andes (CDCHTA-ULA), including the code of the project..
  17. 17. In case reviewers consider that an article is prone to be published with some layout and/or content corrections, authors agree to do them in a maximum of fifteen (15) working days delay. This last version should be sent by electronic means to the mail address(es) mentioned in 2.
  18. 18. Authors, whose articles have been accepted for publication, should clearly express in writing their consent to have their work published and visible in full text, in physical and/or in digital formats. To this end, the Editorial Board will provide a sample letter.
  19. 19. The Editorial Board reserves itself the right to publish any article. Thus, a preliminary assessment is done to determine if the article is part of the thematic areas and whether or not it meets all the requirements specified in the Instructions for Authors. The articles are then sent to two qualified reviewers for a critical review (double-blind system), who assess the article according to the following criteria: relevance, originality, and scientific and academic contribution.
  20. 20. Authors will be notified once the article has been published.

Submissions must comply with all the requirements set forth in these instructions.

:: ENTRE LENGUAS :: Revista del Centro de Investigaciones en Lenguas Extranjeras, CILE
Universidad de Los Andes, Facultad de Humanidades y Educación. Mérida - Venezuela.

Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad de Los Andes (SaberULA)