Análisis prosódico de algunos marcadores discursivos en el habla de Mérida, Venezuela.
(Martínez Matos, Hernán y Domínguez M., Carmen L.)


This paper analyzes, in the frame of the Metrical and Autosegmental Phonology, the prosodic descriptions of some discourse markers that presents tonematics structures that would allow us (if it was the case) to differentiate them of morphophonologically identical forms with different function in the text. We studies acoustically the Spanish discourse markers o sea, este, pues ¿no?, claro, ahora, bueno and pero. The conclusions of the study seems to show that the analyzed discourse markers present an own prosodic configuration that could work as approach for their description and categorization.

Artículo Publicado en: LEA, XXVII/2, 2005