The GEN is a group of investigation ascribed to the Center for Investigation and Linguistic attention (CIAL) of the Faculty of Humanities and Education of the University of the Andes (ULA). Formed by the professors of the Linguistic Department of the Faculty, neurologists, language therapists, and graduates of the faculty of Humanities and Education. Postgrad and pregrad students are also occasional members of the group which achieve their internship or their graduate thesis within the same. Areas of Research One of the central activities of the GEN, since 1994, date of official recognition by the Council for Humanistic and Technological Development (C.D.C.H.T), has been a body of recollection to study aphasia in the state of Mérida. This body is constituted like a data base that contains information on neurology and linguistics of the patients that enter the University Hospital of the Andes, during the year 1994-1995, with a cerebral disease of vascular etymology. This is found in the offices of GEN available to any person interested in examining academic purposes. Specifically the GEN has finished the projects with C.D.C.H.T. contributions and the National Fund of Science, Technology and Innovation (FONACIT) which undertake aspects of: - The cerebral disease of sharp vascular etymology - Linguistic Analysis of aphasia. - The linguistic rehabilitation of patients with aphasia. - The social study of cerebral-vascular accidents - The adaptation and application of different trials of neurolinguistica evaluation - The Venezuelan Sign Language - The rehabilitation of neurolinguitic aphasics patients - The illiterate and their neurolinguistic aspects In actuality the GEN completes an investigation subsidized by FONACIT, code S1-2000000811, titled Language Therapy and Linguistic Rehabilitation in the State of Mérida whose primordial objectives are: a. Establish a descriptive study of the incidence of language disorder in adults in the state of Mérida. b. Design materials of linguistic rehabilitation in agreement with the social and cultural characteristics of the state of Mérida. c. Apply the materials designed for adult patients with language disorders. d. Study the rehabilitation occurred in these patients. Lines of Research: - The study of Aphasia - Sign Language of Venezuelans - Language Electrophysiology - Normal language development - Language Disorders